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Architecture Design

This architecture design is subject to change.

Excalidraw link:,WbBCS-GteLqgUDsgkURP0g

  • User service —> Handles registration and profile-related to the user
  • Authentication service —> Handles login, logout, and forgot password
  • Inventory service —> Handles products that a certain store owns
  • Cart service —> Handles user's shopping cart, might also handle user's wish list
  • Order service —> Checkout system
  • Analytics service —> Listen to Kafka/Redpanda for anything, and insert into an OLAP database
  • Recommendation service (optional) —> Acquire user's movement from OLAP database over time, and create a product recommendation based on the behavior
  • Promotion service —> handles coupons and automatic applied promotion on user's shopping cart
  • Image proxy service (optional) —> Convert image from blob storage to some relevant versions (black and white for sold out, etc.)
  • Payment service —> Calls third party payment gateway and keep track of payment statuses
  • Notification service —> Listen to Kafka/Redpanda "notification" topic to send notification to user via email or mobile push notification
  • Shipping service —> Calls third party shipping providers and keep track of shipping statuses
  • Merchant service —> An entrypoint for merchant related businesses
  • Chat service (optional) —> Chat platform between customer and merchant
  • Review service —> Listen to Kafka/Redpanda for finished order, ask for customer review and keep list of user reviews
  • Promoted item service (optional) —> Homepage banners & products, might as well handle product advertisement
  • Wishlist service (optional) —> self-explanatory

If you would like to amend the architecture, please do not immediately create a pull request for this repository. Instead, please open an Organization Discussion first about the changes.